May 6, 2012

How to create (add new) a MySQL user in command line


When you are setting up your MySQL you need to create new users. Using the command line you can do it easily.


First create your database if it's not done yet. Then create your mysql user.

1create database mynewdb;

What you need to replace:

  • mynewdb : the name of the database
  • some_table : the name of the table
  • localhost : the host of your database, in my case everything is on the same server
  • user1 : the name of your mysql user
  • @s3cur3PWD : the password of your user

A user who can access all tables in a given database

1grant all privileges on mynewdb.* to 'user1'@'localhost' identified by "@s3cur3PWD";

A user who can access all databases

1grant all privileges on *.* to 'user1'@'localhost' identified by "@s3cur3PWD";

A user who can access a given table in a given database

1grant all privileges on mynewdb.some_table to 'user1'@'localhost' identified by "@s3cur3PWD";